PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC
PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC
PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC

Contact Information

Thank you for visiting our website. Please feel free to contact us
with any questions, comments or suggestions you may have. Your assistance is appreciated.

John Lynch

PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC
PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC
PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC
PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC
PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC
PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC

ISO 9001:2015 is here. Response has been overwhelming as companies are getting their Internal Auditors ready. The goal is to start transitioning to the revision now so it can be done in an organized manner. Contact us now for company on-site and open training sessions.
I thought the ISO 9001:2015 course was very beneficial. Mr. Lynch was very knowledgeable on the subject and was very engaging in his course discussions. I highly recommend this course

Mr. Steve Braswell
Quality Inspector
P.T. International

PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC PQI Consulting - Charlotte, NC
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